
DrainTalent is a unique circular soil management system, ensuring optimal conditions and balancing the moisture content within the soil. With DrainTalent, you can control the moisture content in the soil, throughout the year. With changing climate, we will experience more often extreme rainfall and on the other hand long dry periods. With DrainTalent, you can extract or infiltrate water through a drainage system in the field. When the pitch is too wet, the DrainTalent will extract water, ideally sending it to a buffer so that you can re-use that water. When it’s too dry, the DrainTalent will infiltrate water using the same drainage system.

The benefits of the DrainTalent are:

  • Extracting water

The DrainTalent extracts water from the top layer of the pitch at a rate that is revolutionizing the sports market.

  • Infiltrate from below

The grass is healthier, less vulnerable to diseases and recovers faster after usage when water is applied from below. Next to that, you will save a lot of water compared with irrigation.

  • Refresh porous volume

While extracting water from the topsoil with an enormous speed and vacuum, the space once filled with water becomes free to be filled with air. So, the soil changes from an anaerobic environment to a more aerobic environment.

  • All in one app

With our soil sensors and weather station, you can monitor and manage everything with your smartphone, tablet or computer.

Added value to ESSMA

We can help ESSMA partners to create sustainable natural and hybrid sport pitches. Preventing cancellations and extending the usage possibilities on both training and stadium pitches. 

Draintalent from Draintalent on Vimeo.

Products & Services

  • DrainTalent Sport: DrainTalent Sport is the version which is mainly used on professional training fields and amateur sports fields.
  • DrainTalent PRO: DrainTalent Pro is the version which is mainly used in stadiums and on professional training fields.
  • It is possible to connect the DrainTalent Sport or PRO to 1 or 2 sports fields, both individually controlled by the weather station on the unit.


FC Utrecht Sparta RotterdamGo Ahead Eagles


Circular soil management system

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